![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:27 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
What is your take on when handicapped people park anywhere in the blue zone, not just in the designated spaces?
I personally hate it, it congests the parking lot and is sure to be a recipe for disaster. I spotted this Buick doing it a minute ago and it got me heated...like, why couldn’t you try to find somewhere else or just waited? Instead you just had to park there now.
But I’d thought I’d gather a consensus and see if maybe I’m the asshole here.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:30 |
Just traded in his 3-series at Carmax. As he wheels by you and scratches your calf on the way into Hobby Lobby, he says “Sorry, bro, too slow.”
Disabled asshole is double asshole, IMO. The spot clearly says “VAN” (meaning it has room for a lift) but there might have been someone already parked there earlier, so he had to work around it. Hard to say.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:32 |
That T&C there was pulling out, and I strongly believe it was there before the Buick was. So case-in-point.
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For all I know, there’s an unspoken thing for people with placards. If all the handicap spots were taken and the van’s lift was on the left side, then maybe the Buick was just doing the best he could. I think it also depends on the disability. Some people ride around with handicap tags for years because they had a knee replacement or whatever. Big difference.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:38 |
If they’re that handicapped, they shouldn’t be driving.
Yes, I’m an indifferent asshole.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:41 |
“and is sure to be a recipe for disaster. “
What kind of disaster?
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Error: insufficient data to render judgement.
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I don’t know about blue zones, but the white zones are for loading and unloading only.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:47 |
In general, handicap (and elderly) people need to remember that they aren’t special snowflakes just because they need and got a special dispensation to park their car. However, this case is uncertain. The Buick is doing something similar to what I have done on occasion. When the striped zone is on the right of the spot I need (and there is no open spot with the striped zone on the left, my preference), I will have to park over a bit on the stripes to give me room to get my chair out and not get boxed in. The key in that case is to be on an end spot so as to not block out someone who may park to my right and need the space to get their own chair out. Since this Buick is on the end, he isn’t blocking anyone. However, he has striped zones on either side of his spot, and so doesn’t need the extra space. It looks like he still intends to use the spot though. It’s like he’s drunk or something.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:48 |
Accidents, fender-benders, stuff.
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I’ve known plenty of bros in chairs who overcompensate by being wheelchair rugby jocks and trying to broadcast to the world that they still have big dicks.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:51 |
See, if I can’t get a handicap spot, I’ll at least go way out to the far end of the lot and park where I’m unlikely to get boxed in. Problem is, if your disability won’t let you cover that distance, that’s not an option. So, I kind have sympathy for that person, but not enough to excuse ignoring the rules. I’d just keep cruising until a spot opens up (and I have before).
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:51 |
Depends on the lot design, and how it affects nearby spaces.
I’ve seen some handicap spaces that only have the extra walk zone on one side. In some cases, that walk zone falls on the passenger side, leaving the driver with the same amount of room as he would have had in a normal parking spaces. And it’s not always as simple as reversing into that space, because I’ve seen this design in angled parking, too, where the one-way aisle requires nose-first parking.
But even in these situations, cheating the lines has to be done carefully, and with consideration for the next space over. Because that other vehicle might have to deploy a full-size lift...
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:54 |
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:54 |
In general, they should park within the designated space. The striped areas are meant to stay clear so that doors can be opened fully and ramps extended. That being said, there are a few places where our friends have to park in the striped zone because the lot wasn’t designed well and they can’t fully extend the ramp and still have enough space to get their son out.
If the white car was there first, this might be the case. If so, the van driver is being an ass by parking there. If the van was there first, the white car driver is being an ass by parking there. Either way, someone was being an ass.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:55 |
Those stripes are meant so that a wheelchair van can lower its ramp and then the chair can be easily wheeled around. So when some other type of handicapped person plops their car in the striped zone, it’s no different than anyone else parking in any other striped zone: Illegal and rude.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:55 |
Don’t you tell me which zone is for loading and which zone is for unloading.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:56 |
You’re definitely not the asshole here... unless you left that shopping cart there!
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:56 |
i just shrug it off, and say “ i guess this guy REALLY thinks he needs to park there”....... and for all i know the guy could be crippled up, and simply not be able to walk very far. or have some OTHER immediate emergency that he just cant go that far..... might be some medical condition, might be having a heart attack, might just have to get to the bathroom....... just dont know.......
....... all i can do, is hope that should i have some kind of emergency/incident come up, that people cut me the same slack that i give others.......
![]() 07/21/2017 at 15:56 |
If I left the shopping cart there, I’d be fired!
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The white zone has always been for loading and unloading. There’s no stopping in the
![]() 07/21/2017 at 16:13 |
Don’t start up with your white zone shit again.
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I don’t like it (probably because it doesn’t look as organized) but I generally chalk it up to them needing to park that way for a reason related to their disability and accept it.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 16:34 |
Unfortunately not enough info to come to a conclusion. Should be careful about that indifferent asshole thing when there isn’t enough information.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 17:38 |
It causes the same problems as anyone else not parking within the lines, so definitely against it. In that picture above, the Buick is partially within the spot and partially in the blue zone, and it really looks like that Chrysler is trying to pull into the partially blocked space. That risks damage to both vehicles from the doors being too close together, and also blocks some of the blue zone to the left of the Chrysler, making it harder for any handicap vehicle that might park there to load/unload.
![]() 07/21/2017 at 18:09 |
Well fender-benders hardly qualify as disasters. But as for accidents... are we talking about accidents like where you have plane crashes, trains derailing, earthquakes and gas leaks happening simultaneously at one location?
![]() 07/21/2017 at 18:39 |
![]() 07/21/2017 at 19:01 |
How do you miss the parking spot by that much? lol
Im guessing that if you have a handicap sticker then you can just crowd around a space with other cars with the sticker. Theres no rule against it.
![]() 07/22/2017 at 01:26 |
![]() 07/22/2017 at 02:16 |
Where shopping (but not working) is a pleasure.